How tinnitus sounds, how long it lasts & how it can go away

How tinnitus sounds and how to make it go away

What does tinnitus sound like?

The sound is most often described, by people who are experiencing tinnitus, like ringing in the ears or head. But is also described in other ways; a squeaking sound, whizzing, high pitched frequency, sound of electricity from a TV or the refrigerator. Others describe the sounds more like a moaning or deep muffled sound.

The volume of the sounds can also be different from person to person. Some experience lower volumes while others might experience a really loud sound in their ears or head.

Irrespectively the cause can be the same: tension and stress.

This noise can interfere, in day-to-day life, on different levels for different people. Some might just experience mild noise, while others have such a loud noise that it can decrease the quality of life tremendously for the person.

As you experience tinnitus you might also be experiencing other symptoms, like headaches, pain in your neck or jaw.

Does tinnitus go away?

You can try certain methods to make your tinnitus lessen – and even go away completely.

If you got tinnitus – try to reflect on the state of mood you were in – about 6 months to 1 year before your tinnitus emerged. Did you experience some kind of emotional stress during that period? This could alert you to when the tension started. Insight and action will help your tinnitus go away.

How long does tinnitus last?

This depends on different factors. When it comes to somatic tinnitus – it will remain for as long as the muscle tension is present. The reason for this is because tinnitus is a symptom related to tension in the jaw, face, temples, and neck. Therefore it can only disappear once the tension is reduced.

It is up to you to do something about your situation and reaction if you wish for the tinnitus not to last.

The tension itself could be activated by tooth clenching and/or grinding. The behavior to clench or grind is most often triggered by emotional stress. The state of emotions for that stress might be either anger, frustration, irritation, impatience, anxiety, nervousness.

  • Maybe you are a person that has a lot on your mind?
  • Maybe you are an overachiever?
  • Maybe you have a lot of anxiety in your life?

The state of alertness from these emotions keeps you tense. Getting a better understanding of how your body reacts to stressors, and how that affects your tinnitus, are the first steps to getting better. The next step would be to take action to lessen the stress. 

Is tinnitus permanent?

There are treatment options, however, depending on your situation those treatment options will differ.

If you have had tinnitus for many years you may think that it is permanent. Perhaps your physician has told you that it is. This is not all true, but it is important that you come to insight regarding whether you experience emotions correlated to stress, and to do something about your situation.

Stop clenching and start to relax, take deep breaths, and stretch your muscles in the jaw, face and neck/shoulders. It might sound hard and you might think “this is easier said than done”. It is not something that is done overnight and it will take determination, but it is doable.

In some cases, you might need to see your dentist, where you can get an acrylic night guard that helps lessen the ability to grind your teeth during the night.

You are also welcome to purchase our “Help to Self-help” where you get to understand your symptoms better – your first steps to getting less tinnitus and even the possibility of having your tinnitus go away completely.

Our “Help to Selfhelp” is a comprehensive questionnaire with advice along the way that shows up depending on your answers, to fit your needs the best. The connection between muscle tension and stress problems, and in turn tinnitus, is very apparent and can be seen in our treatment result-graph.

If you want to dig deeper into this correlation you can read our scientific publications about this topic.

Headache and Migraine

Headache and Migraine

Headaches are something that affects most people now and then – and are usually harmless – but still bothersome. Headache as a symptom can be due to fluid deficiency, virus with fever but often as tension headache which can be localized to the temples, forehead and neck. It is not uncommon, at the same time, experience fatigue in the jaws and shoulders. It is extremely rare that headaches are due to something alarming. If you experience acute headaches that you cannot find a natural cause for, it is recommended that you contact the health care service to determine a diagnosis.

Different Types of Headaches


The word migraine comes from Greek E ἡμικρανία (hemicrania), half the head. The headache can be intense with pain experiences coming from the neck and spreading across the head to the eye or from the neck forward over the ear to the temples. The intense headaches can be single-sided or double-sided and vary between the sides. It can occur in the form of aura and include light sensitivity and sound sensitivity. Migraine headaches can be triggered by stress, exertion and during menstruation. In more severe cases, the pain can result in nausea and vomiting.

A probable cause is irritation of the nerve “Occipitalis” that runs through the neck muscles over the head. During stress, increases tension in the neck. The neck tension are most often due to tooth pressing and tension in the shoulders.

Tension Headaches

Headaches related to tension are often due to muscle tension in the face, jaws and neck / shoulders. Tension caused by tooth clenching/grinding, tongue clenching and frequent facial expression. Tension causes asphyxia in the muscles which leads to stiffness and pain. Headaches related to tension can be recognized by the temples feeling sore, the neck feels stiff and fatigue feeling in the jaw muscles. The jaw muscles get tired during chewing. The headaches can be localized to temples, neck, crone and forehead. Experienced as an ant-creeping sensation over the head, the experience of wearing a tight cap, a strap around the head, or as the head is squashed. Also a feeling, being generally stiff in the neck and shoulders.

Lighter headaches can be medicated using nonprescription painkillers such as paracetamol. With the help of massage and stretching, the headaches can be relieved. It is important to make yourself aware of activities in everyday life that can lead to tension. It can be ergonomics or tension in connection with concentration. If the muscle tension is caused by emotional stress, you may need guidance to make a change. Initial guidance can be found in our help for self-help.

Hortons Headache

Horton’s headache often gives symptoms such as an intense one-sided headache around an eye and the feeling that the eye should pop out. It often gets worse laying down but the pain is often short-lived – although still painful. You may also have symptoms in the form of nasal congestion or dripping nose, sweating face. Some also become nauseated and vomit. It is not entirely clear what caused Horton’s headache, but stress and drugs are said to be some of the causes.

Pharmaceutical Effected Headache

Do you often medicate paracetamol or ibuprofen when experience headache? Try to avoid these pain killers for some time and see if it have some positive effect. It may be that you happen to end up in a vicious circle when use these tablets. A side effect is actually an increase of headache in high consumption. While you avoid pain killers try to reduce stress factors to lower your tension. You may also need a bite guard. In our “help for self-help” you get guidance to identify if your headache is stress related and how to avoid tension. – Read more about our treatment here.

Vertigo & BPPV Treatment

Dizziness and nausea

When you experience dizziness you can also become nauseated. In connection to a more severe rotational vertigo, you might even vomit. When your balance gets disturbed and you lose control, that generates nausea.

The nerve “Vagus” is overstimulated and is part of the somatic nervous system that is linked to stress and activation. When the causes of the symptom for dizziness are eliminated, the vertigo symptom decreases / disappears and so does the nausea.

Dizziness and stress treatment

As dizziness and vertigo often are connected to stress and neck problems, they can be eliminated by correcting the causes that trigger the dizziness and vertigo. With insight and measures to minimize stress causes, in combination with stretching exercises, the state of tension reduces, which in turn decreases – to eliminate – the symptoms of dizziness and vertigo. You get simple tips and advice through our step 1 Help for self-help online – where you get the tools to treat your vertigo.

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) – Crystals in the ear

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV), is explained by the theory that small crystals in the inner ear loosened and ended up wrong in the snail’s arch ducts. Often Hallpike’s maneuver is recommended to shake the crystals right again. Hallpike maneuver is carried out by rapid movements with the head and torso which is supposed to detach the crystals so that they end up right.

Since the diagnosis is only a theory which cannot be clinically verified, one should also take into account that in the same maneuver, the musculature of the upper neck and lower scull is also affected as a type of auto stretching. It may be that this exercise gives positive results on dizziness and vertigo rather than crystals getting placed right.

The experience of vertigo can last for a few seconds to several minutes and vary in intensity. People describe their dizziness and vertigo as being inside a jar, taking missteps, and feeling like the surface is uneven, the room is spinning and it feels impossible to stay upright. Regardless of intensity, there are connections to more or less severe level of muscle tension in the neck and shoulders. The vertigo experience can be triggered (influenced) by various head movements such as looking quickly to the left or right side (e.g. before crossing a road), looking backwards (e.g. in connection to backing the car), looking upwards (e.g. picking something out of a cupboard), look down (e.g. in connection with going down a staircase). In experience of vertigo, the eyes moves rapidly to gain focus – which is also called nystagmus. When neck tension and nystagmus affect the focus negatively, we experience dizziness – vertigo.

It is very common to be diagnosed with Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) in the case of symptoms of vertigo. But since this cannot be determined clinically, other causes should be investigated. It is common, however, for vertigo of different character, such as rotational, nautical, drip vertigo and feeling of unsteadiness, to have strong connections to muscle tension in the neck. Patients who experience different kinds of vertigo often describe neck problems as well.

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) Treatment

There are ways to treat dizziness and vertigo no matter how it is experienced, but it should be determined whether the inconvenience can be linked to stress, neck problems and muscle tension. By taking part of our questionnaire, you get a clearer insight into your particular symptoms. Try our Help for Self-help online where you get help to analyze your dizziness.

Tinnitus Treatment / Cure

Tinnitus Treatment & Tinnitus Relief
Tinnitus is a troublesome symptom that usually occurs after a long period of emotional stress. Tinnitus can adversely affect everyday life and impair quality of life. There is tinnitus treatment to get, where relief is achieved relatively soon and where continued work to eliminate the causes gives complete relief and thus a positive effect on your well-being.
Cure Tinnitus
Tinnitus is not a disease and therefore you’re usually not saying that you can cure tinnitus. However, one can become free from tinnitus. There are ways to relieve tinnitus, and get completely trouble-free. To reduce and eliminate the troubles you need to understand why you got the symptoms. Initially, you may need help to deal with the anxiety the symptom creates. Anxiety is often a source of tension, and tension, in turn, causes tinnitus. Somatic tinnitus, which is due to muscle tension, can be remedied but you may need guidance in this. Insight and understanding of cause and effect is an important start. Our questionnaire “Help with Self-help” provides you with “tools” to help yourself.
Tinnitus Help
We offer Tinnitus treatment – the first level is a treatment that you easily carry out online – “Help with Self-help”, this is a questionnaire where you get detailed questions and answers – about your symptoms – and guidance on how you can reduce these on your own. Tinnitus treatment – Help to Selfhelp.